Horse Riding on Sunset

Community Resources

DISCLAIMER: The Mojave Unified School District does not in any way endorse the community providers listed. These resources are for your information to use at your own convenience.

Mental Health Support

White Circle Vector

College community services


Smiling Mind

Teen Line

Self Advocacy

White Circle Vector

Create a Safty Plan

Flat Fill Wireframe Create Capsule Button


A safety plan is a set of actions that can help lower your risk of being hurt by your partner. It includes information specific to you and your life that will increase your safety at school, home, and other places that you go on a daily basis.

White Circle Vector

Protect yourself from abuse

Boundaries are needed in every relationship. They help you determine the level of vulnerability you’re comfortable sharing for both you and your partner. But what are personal boundaries, and how do you define them in your relationship?

The relationship spectrum

All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to ​abusive, with unhealthy somewhere in the middle.

Healthy relationships are based on ​equality & respect

You make decisions together and can ​openly discuss whatever you’re dealing ​with, like relationship problems and ​sexual choices. You enjoy spending time ​together but can be happy apart.


good communication ​trust



Unhealthy relationships are based on ​attempts to control the other person

One person tries to make most of

the decisions. He or she may pressure ​their partner about sex or refuse to

see how their actions can hurt. In an ​unhealthy relationship, you feel like you ​should only spend time with your partner.

breaks in communication ​pressure


struggles for control

inconsiderate behavior

Abusive relationships are based on an ​imbalance of power & control

One person is making all the decisions— ​about sexual choices, friend groups, ​boundaries, even what’s true and what’s ​not. You spend all of your time together ​and feel like you can’t talk to other ​people, especially about what’s really ​happening in your relationship.


blame shifting

isolation pressure ​manipulation

This project described was supported by Grant Number 90EV0426 from the ​Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services ​Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The opinions, ​findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this publication ​are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ​Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services ​Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Abstract Rainbow Colored Button | Shiny Colorful Button

Click Here to Learn More

Rainbow Splatter

Outside Social Support

Gradient Button With Arrow

Click Here to Learn More

Parent Resources

rainbow button

LGBTQ+ Parent Information

rainbow button


Purple, Teal, Texture, Background, Colorful, Gradient

Foster Youth Programs

Homelessness and Food Insecurety

White Circle Vector

Cal Fresh

Blue Rectangle Button Illustration
Oval Button Illustration

AV Food Pantry

Web Button, Gold Button

Food Service



Valley Oasis Homeless support

Sexual Health Support

White Circle Vector
Gradient Button

sex, etc

Gradient Button

Confidentiality Rights

Gradient Button

Care Net

Gradient Button

Teen Pregnancy Resources

Gradient Button

Child Welfare

Gradient Button

Minor Consent Laws

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