Mojave Jr/Sr High School | 2023
Key Components at Every Tier
Each tier has its own set of systems and practices, but some key components appear across every level. Each of these features needs to be present in order for MTSS to be implemented with fidelity
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PBIS Team Spotlight
-Team Members- Tier 1,2,3 Members-
Quick Highlights
Teir 1
For all Students
Teir 2
For some students
Teir 3
For a select few
Tier 1 – Supports for ALL Students
Academic Concerns:
My child…
Behavioral Concern:
My child…
School Wide Expectations
Tier 2/3 – Supports
Our school has an intervention team that meets every two weeks. The intervention team oversees and monitors our site’s interventions and all students receiving Tier II or III support. Like the School-Wide /Tier I team, this team uses a structured meeting agenda and format to monitor interventions, troubleshoot, and discuss new referrals in a practical, data-based, and efficient manner. The intervention team is open to any interested staff member; however, parents are not included on this team due to confidentiality concerns when discussing students. For students receiving Tier III (individualized, function-based, intensive) interventions, a separate Tier III student-specific team may be formed for a short period, consisting of staff and family members directly involved with that student. However, these individual meetings occur separately from the ongoing Intervention Team meetings.
Tier 2 – Targeted Group Supports
Academic Concern:
My child…
Behavioral Concern:
My child….
Reasons for Tier 3 Supports
What are Tier 3 Support?
The PBIS Triangle—The red area represents Tier 3, which supports a few students. Tier 1 and 2 supports are still used with students engaged in Tier 3 supports.
PBIS’ framework doesn’t just work with school-wide and targeted supports. It’s also an effective way to address sometimes dangerous, often highly disruptive behaviors creating barriers to learning and excluding students from social settings.
At most schools, 1-5% of students for whom Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports have not connected. At Tier 3, these students receive more intensive, individualized support to improve their behavioral and academic outcomes. Tier 3 strategies work for students with developmental disabilities, autism, emotional and behavioral disorders, and students with no diagnostic label.
Tier 3 – Individualized Supports
Academic Concern:
My child…
Behavioral Concern:
My child…
Parent Support is Critical
As with all educational endeavors, parent support is critical for student success. To support this process, you should …
Tier 2/3 Intervention programs
Mustang Now!
Small Group
Tier 2 intervention
Check in Check out
Individual support intervention
Tier 2
1:1 Intervention
Tier 3